What To Do When You Failed To Get Medical Treatment After Your Accident

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The key factor in a personal injury claim is establishing a link between the accident and the injuries sustained. Delaying medical treatment could make it harder to prove that the injuries were indeed caused by the accident and not something else that happened afterward. Insurance companies may try to argue that the injuries were not severe or related to the accident due to the delay in seeking medical attention.

To increase the chances of receiving compensation, the victim needs to take the following steps:

  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible: Even if injuries are not immediately evident, it's crucial to see a healthcare professional as soon as possible to document any potential injuries and establish a connection to the accident.
  • Document the accident: Take pictures of the scene, collect contact information from any witnesses, and file a police report. This documentation can be valuable evidence in a personal injury claim.
  • Preserve evidence: Keep any medical records, receipts, and other relevant documents related to the accident and your injuries.

What a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Do to Help

When a car accident victim fails to seek immediate medical treatment for injuries, hiring a lawyer can be beneficial in various ways. Here's how a lawyer can help in such a situation:

  • Legal guidance and advice: A personal injury lawyer can provide the victim with legal advice tailored to their specific circumstances. They can explain the laws related to personal injury claims in the jurisdiction and help the victim understand their rights and options.
  • Gathering evidence: The lawyer can help gather and preserve evidence related to the accident and the injuries. This might include obtaining police reports, collecting witness statements, and securing any available surveillance footage or photographs from the accident scene.
  • Establishing causation: Proving that the injuries were caused by the car accident is crucial in a personal injury claim. Even with a delay in seeking medical treatment, an experienced lawyer can work with medical experts to establish a connection between the accident and the injuries.
  • Negotiating settlements: If the other party's insurance company is offering a settlement, the lawyer can assess its adequacy and negotiate for a better offer if needed. They can calculate the full extent of the damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs.

It may not be too late to be compensated for your damages. Contact an auto accident attorney for more information. 
