How To Assess A Value For A Semi Truck Accident Claim

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For victims of collisions involving a semi-truck, the best course of action would be to erase history and make it so that the accident never happened, but sadly, this is an impossible task. However, the next best thing that can arise in this situation is a fair settlement. While there are a variety of factors that go into establishing a value for a claim, there are some staple factors that are commonly reviewed. Learn more about these factors so that you can learn more about reaching a settlement with your case.

Degree of Negligence

When a semi-truck hits an innocent driver, there is no question that the truck driver assumes some negligence concerning the issue. However, the degree of negligence will often affect the value of a claim, with more failure meaning more value. 

For example, a driver that is speeding, driving beyond their legally allocated operating hours, or that has failed to perform important safety checks on their truck is exercising a high level of negligence. As a result of this increased negligence, they are posing a tremendous threat to the public and must be held responsible. 

Policy Limits

The policy limit refers to the maximum amount of money an insurance company will pay to cover a claim levied against their policyholder. So, make sure you understand that commercial truck insurance policy values are not indefinite, but these policy limits are generally much higher than the standard non-commercial policy.

As a result, a victim can only request a settlement that falls within the range of the policy limit. If the value of the claim exceeds this limit, the victim can try to file a suit against the company. 

Long-Term Impact

How the victim will be impacted going forward is another element analyzed when assessing the value of a semi-truck accident claim. For any person involved in such a horrific accident, the road to recovery may be long, but for some people, this is a never-ending road.

For this reason, people who have had their ability to earn an income altered, who may not be able to conceive, or who have sustained debilitating injuries can often seek higher amounts. For some of these long-term impacts, victims can even claim non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering. 

An attorney can provide a great level of detail concerning the value of a claim. Contact a local truck accident lawyer to have your questions answered.
